Fiche cheval magic word

the crowne plaza hotel dundalk handicap (division 1)R5C7platdundalk2400 M1000017 partantsDépart 17:30
Non Partants : 15 - 16 - 17
110turf rangeH5(20)1p0p7p0pw.m. lordan22/102:31
21no troubleH51p1p7p6p3pj.a. heffernan4.4/1cte tete
38lady de vesciF84h4h3h2h4hr.p. whelan10/14 l
45rockview romanH56p(20)6p2p2pr.p. cleary10/1nez
57fryernsF42p0p0h0p0pj.j.g. ryan13/1encolure
63magic wordF33p5p8p5pc.d. hayes8.7/11 l 1/2
72clew bayF33p1p2p0p4ps. foley3.5/11 l 3/4
84leviosaF40p0p0p1p0pc.j. orr35/11 l 1/2
914lily of the glenF34p2p5p0p0pc.j. macredmond17/1tete
109twentyboreH56p5p0p6p6pj.m. sheridan46/11 l 1/4
1111power driveH60h0pAh0p7pciara flynn52/11 l 1/4
1212heliaebelF46p8p8p6p8pm.a. enright59/11 l 1/2
136comedy la vegaM38p0p7p0p9pc.t. keane6.2/117 l
1413wisakaH50p0p3p9p0hw. joyce57/11/2 l
15light furyF30p3p7p7p6preserviste 1/1
16stay with meF70p2p9p1preserviste 2/1
17macaban cityH58p8p9p2p0preserviste 3/1